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North Vietnamese Medals
The textual information and certain photos are used with permission from Edward J. Emering. His book Orders, Decorations and Badges of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam was used as a reference. If you are interested in further reading, you can find the book on Amazon.
The Gold Star Order
This simple medal, established on June 6, 1947, is the highest honor conferred by the SRV on both individuals and units. It is equivalent to the Hero of the Soviet Union medal, although it in no way matches the quality or workmanship of its Soviet counterpart. During his 1965 interrogation, a PAVN colonel confirmed that this Order had only been conferred once. It had also been awarded to Ho Chi Minh, who had refused it until final victory was achieved. As of 1974, only two of these Orders had been awarded. One to Ho Chi Minh and the second to Vice President Ton Duc Thang, who received his Gold Star Order from Ho Chi Minh in August, 1958. Ton Duc Thang eventually succeeded Ho on his death. Although a total of 16 Gold Stars have been awarded to date, the only positively known recipients include: Ho Chi Minh, Ton Duc Thang, Leonid Brezhnev and Aleksei Kosugin, who both received their awards in June, 1980; and the famous SRV military leader, Senior General Vo Nguyen Giap, who has often been photographed in uniform, wearing only the Gold Star Order.
It is also widely believed (but unconfirmed) that the Gold Star order was also presented to PAVN General Tran BA Thanh, who served as a ARVN officer on the South Vietnamese Prime Minister’s staff during the war and provided invaluable intelligence to Hanoi. It is believed that he alone was responsible for the failed Son Tay prison raid, which attempted to rescue captive U.S. military personnel.
The planchet itself is a raised, five-pointed, solid gold star, measuring approximately 1 1/2″ from point to point. The back is decorated with a raised wreath of two laurel branches. The medal is neither numbered nor named as might be typical in other countries of the world for such a high honor. The pin device is a simple bent wire.
The Order is worn on the left breast, centered above all other Orders. There is no corresponding service ribbon. Counterfeits have been observed, but the laurel leaves on the reverse were not present.
Ho Chi Minh Order

This award was established on June 6, 1947 and was revised to its current style on August 28th, 1981. Since its revision, it is only issued in one class to both individuals and units. This medal would appear to be equivalent to the Soviet Order of Lenin, which was awarded in tandem with the Hero of the Soviet Union medal. The criteria for this award makes specific reference to the “revolutionary cause” of the people.
Other Orders
Liberation Exploit Order. The NLF equivalent of the Military Exploit Order, it was established on September 23, 1963. It was also awarded in three classes on the same basiss as the Military Exploit Order for combat action in the south. Note the presence of the essential small gold linking wreath. The inscription on this Order reads, QUAN CONG GIAI PHONG (Military Achievement Liberation). Recipients were also accorded the appellation of the Hero of the Liberation Front.

Military Exploit Order Awarded in three classes to both units and individuals for outstanding performance in combat, this Order was established on May 15, 1947.

Order of the Soldier of Glory Established on September 16, 1961, this Order is given to PAVN personnel for long periods of meritorious service after July 20, 1954. Its inscription reads, CHIEN SI VE-VANG (Soldier of Glory)

Friendship Decoration Awarded to foreigners, who have aided the Vietnamese in defending and building their country, this decoration was established on June 20, 1960

Banner of Resolution for Victory Decoration Established on October 27, 1984, this decoration serves to recognize longevity and is bestowed upon personnel who have served the PAVN for 25 years or more.

Friendship Order Established on January 28, 1977, this Order is bestowed upon foreigners who have aided the SRV in its resistance and rebuilding efforts.

Resolution for Victory Order. This was another of the NLF awards for units and individuals who were separated from their families while involved in the liberation of the south. It was established on August 9, 1965.

Victory Decoration. This NLF decoration is one of a series of four Decorations, of which only the Resolution for Victory Decoration is listed as an official award of the SRV. The planchet is inscribed CHIEN THANG (Victory).

Oppose American Save Country Decoration. The third in this series of NLF Decoration, this was also intended for award in two classes as denoted by the stars on the ribbon suspension bar. It os inscribed CHONG MY CUU NUOC (Oppose American Save Country).

Resolution for Victory Decoration. This NLF Decoration, established on August 9, 1965, was awarded in only one class to individuals separated from their families while participating in the resistance and liberation of the south. It was widely awarded to personnel participating in the Spring, 1975, General Offensive.

Liberation Decoration. It was awarded in two classes. It is inscribed GIAI PHONG (Liberation)

Resolution for Victory Order. This NLF award was for units and individuals who were separated from their families while involved in the liberation of the south. It was established Aug 9, 1965. It was first award to PAVN Colonel General Tran Van Tra, commander of NLF forces in Saigon during the entire war against the Americans.

This NLF Order was established on August 9, 1965. It was awarded to units and individuals serving the cause of resistance and liberation in the south either in combat, production or some official capacity.