NSA Hospital DaNang
These photos are of the NSA Hospital, a Navy hospital near DaNang. They were taken by Jim Chaffe a medic with NSA. The Marines had a medical battalion called First Medical Battalion west of Da Nang near Liberty bridge. When the Marine Brigade landed in 1965, they had “Charlie Med” which was at the location of NSA hospital. “Charlie Med” was moved north to Quang Tri and Khe Sanh. NSA Hospital was the best emergency hospital in the world for its day.
“Corpsman Up!!!” “Corpsman Up!!!”
Those words were spoken by most Marines that served with grunt companies in Vietnam. To those words every Corpsman responded. Those words came during a fire fight and usually when the tide of the battle was not in our favor. How many of you remember the Corpsman that met you when you got off that medevac helicopter? How about the doctors and medical technicians that put us back together? Guys like Jim Chaffe and the other Corpsmen and Nurses that served us in Vietnam. Most of us who were treated by them never have had a chance to thank them for what they did. I hope this page will refresh those memories. I speak for all of us Vets and extend our sincere appreciation to all the Corpsman, Nurses, Doctors and medical technicians for the sacrifices they made on our behalf while we served together in the great struggle called Vietnam.
These pictures are of Receiving 1, the first triage at NSA. There were three triage areas, one overflow outside and then a third huge one also outside.